Friday, December 18, 2009


Watchmen, in my opinion, is one of the greatest comics ever written. Shamefully, I hadn't read it until after I heard they were making it into a movie, but I'm glad I finished reading it before the movie came out. Quite possibly my favorite thing about Watchmen is that none of the main heroes (other than Dr. Manhattan) have any super powers. They're just masked crime fighters, most of them are corrupted by something.
I think the movie adaptation is great from the standpoint of how closely they followed the comic. A lot of superhero movies recently have strayed so far from the original story that was intended to be told. They practically used the comic as the story board for the movie and the costuming and casting was spot on.
The one main problem I had with the movie was the lack of cultural significance it had compared to what the comic when it was originally written. It doesn't have quite the same meaning as it would have 20 years ago but i still enjoy it for what it is.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Spider-man Spider-man does whatever a spider can!

Spider-man is another one of my favorite super heroes. I loved watching the cartoon as a kid. One of the things I loved most about Spidey wasn't his powers. It was the fact that he was an ordinary guy. Superman is an alien and Batman is a billionaire who's parents died, how are you supposed to relate to them. Spider-man was just a kid who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up with great power and in turn had to take of great responsibility. I always felt like Marvel heroes were much more relatable than DC heroes. In Marvel comics, most of heroes are ordinary people trying to fit in in a crazy messed up world. In DC, the heroes are for the most part all crazy, half of them are aliens. And what's with Aquaman?
Anyway, I also love Spidey's character design. His suit is sleek and cool and his powers allow for him to be in some pretty dynamic fights. Here come's the Spider-man!

nananananananananananananananana BATMAN!

Everyone knows about Batman so there's not a whole lot new I can say about him. He's the Dark Knight. He's the savior of Gotham City. He dresses like a bat and fights crime. When you say it like that, it sounds ridiculous and in fact, it kind of is. But he's one of my favorite super heroes. I watched some old Adam West Batman with my dad when I was a kid. Its funny how a hero like that could change to Christian Bale's version of Batman. Just look at them
He went from a goofy looking guy in tights and a cape with witty one-liners and bat-everything to being a raspy-voiced crime-fighting machine. Why so serious? Isn't it obvious, because Adam West isn't Batman anymore and now he demands to be taken seriously. Also, I love the new Batsuit. I want one.

Robot Chicken

Robot Chicken is another incredibly stupid 15 minute show on adult swim, but it's another one of my favorites. The premise of the show, if you can even call it that is explained in the opening credits. A mad scientist brings a dead chicken back to life with robot parts and straps it down and forces it to watch about a dozen TV screens at once so it can learn about humanity. This really doesn't matter to the show, because the whole show is just a series of back to back clips of stop motion animation done with action figures. Many of the shows gags are based on pop culture from today and cartoon shows from the 80's. They also did two full episodes with entirely clips about Star Wars. I'm glad people are keeping the art of stop motion alive. I think the show is hilarious even though it can at times be ridiculous and offensive


Metalocalypse is a cartoon on adult swim about the worlds richest, most famous and most brutal rock stars. They are in a band called Dethklok and they're completely ridiculous on top of being completely stupid. Its really a pretty dumb show sometimes, but I always laugh. Every episode has original music, metal songs recorded by the show's creator, Brendon Small. Brendon plays just about every instrument in the recordings and voices most of the characters. I always find it interesting that adult swim can have shows that are only 15 minutes long. It somehow works, especially with shows like this that are so stupid.
One of the funniest episodes was the pilot episode in which the band got and endorsement from Duncan Hills Coffee and had to write a jingle for the commercial. Being the worlds most famous band, they put on a huge concert in the middle of nowhere and dumped boiling coffee on their fans. Its a completely stupid show, but it works for me somehow.

Emma Overman

Emma Overman is an Indianapolis painter who all of you should know about. She has a gallery at the Harrison Center for the Arts at 16th and Delaware. The first Friday of every month, her gallery, along with dozens of other galleries are open to the public for an event called First Friday. If you've never heard of First Friday, you should really check it out. There's some great artists there, but Emma is by far my favorite one. You should really check out more of her work. It's cute but at the same time slightly creepy. My favorite piece by here is "Invisible Dan and the Midnight Snack" in which, Invisible Dan, a floating top hat and a pair of white, gloves holds a try of treats. I love the colors and the shape of the painting. Its not that often that you see an artist using an oval shaped frame, especially one with such an antique look with such an interesting art style. Check out here site here.

Invader Zim

Invader Zim is one of my favorite Cartoons of all time. It's hilarious and at the same time disturbing. It was on Nickelodeon when I was younger and a couple years ago, I bought all three seasons of it on DVD.
If you don't know anything about Invader Zim, it's about an alien invader named Zim who, on his planet, is considered a bumbling idiot, so they send him on a "secret mission" to earth just to get rid of him. While on earth, he's constantly trying to take over and constantly being thwarted by Dib, a kid who is obsessed with the paranormal to the point no one believes anything he says.
I love the art style of the show. It's like a combination of cute a terrifying. I think the reason it ended up being canceled was because of how sick and twisted some of the gags in the show were. Things like children eating a pile of cockroaches or a restaurant called Bloaty's Pizza Hog, similar to Chuck E. Cheese. I could not stop laughing at that part.

Zim also has a cute, incredibly stupid robot named Gir who everyone loves because of his ridiculously high pitched voice and his incredible stupidity. It's a great show and I wish there were more episodes.