Wednesday, December 16, 2009

You Have to Burn the Rope

You have to burn the rope is another minimalist flash game, in the same vein as Canabalt. One significant difference between the two is wherein Canabalt, you cannot win, in You Have to Burn the Rope, you cannot lose. The game tells you exactly what you need to do to win and your character can't die! You control little pink ball in a bowler hat that can throw axes, run and jump. You're in a hallway and at the end of the hallway is the Boss, the Grinning Colossus. Your axes can hurt the Colossus, but it regains heath faster than you can damage it. The only way to win is by jumping up platforms on either side of the room, touching a torch and then jumping to a chandelier in the middle of the room. When you do so, you burn the rope and the chandelier falls, killing the Colossus. Then a victory song plays as the credits roll.

Despite the fact that the game is so simple to win, the creators decided to create a walk-through for the game. The game was a finalist for Innovation Award at the 2009 Independent Games Festival.
What is it about simple games? The Super Nintendo-esqu graphics and an experience that is over in 30 seconds? Maybe its a statement about today's culture and "throw-away media" that is intended for a very limited experience.

If you want to play You Have to Burn The Rope, go here

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